It wouldn’t be surprising that most people when looking to buy a house don’t look to inspect the site. Let’s say, you have come across a house, and the biggest attraction you found was the fact that it had beautiful front yard trees. But this is where things can get complicated as houses with front yard trees need to be inspected. Why? Well, that’s because of the fact that front yard trees have roots that can intrude the sewers but a sewer camera inspection can solve this problem
Root intrusion is a common phenomenon that occurs due to front yard trees and can lead to devastating problems. The roots of trees start to interfere in the sewers and this turns to long term problems. It will all start with a blockage and sooner or later your entire basement will be flooded.
What to do?
The best way to deal with this problem is to go for a sewer camera inspection. It is a viable option because it can identify if the house you’re going to buy has the problem of root intrusion. If you decide to ignore getting it inspected. Then the long-run costs can be a big problem with your finances. Sewer Camera inspections are relatively affordable and are actually an investment. Because if you do find traces of root intrusion in the sewers. Then obviously it will be a red flag for you and will save you a lot of money and trouble.
Sewer line blockages are a big problem in houses that have or have had front yard trees. Once you find traces of root intrusion, you can potentially save yourself from a big disaster. A sewer camera inspection is the most affordable and the best practice if you’re buying a new house.