Best plumber in Long Beach

Plumbing is an essential service for households. It is one of the key pillars of a comfortable home. Having your plumbing needs catered for is important to ensure that your home is welcoming.

Are you looking for a good plumber in Long Beach and are wondering how to go about it? There are several factors to consider in identifying a reliable plumber.

It is advised that as a homeowner you should cultivate a good long term plumbing relationship. The relationship saves you money and time while also helps you avoid last-minute panic hiring.

In this post we discuss some of the essential factors to consider when hiring a good plumber in Long Beach area.

Qualifications and Skills

You want to hire a qualified professional for your plumbing job if you want to avoid wasting time and money. What constitutes a qualified professional plumber?

The credentials are important and should always be considered prior to any hires. Most states require plumbing contractors to be bonded or licensed. You should therefore ask to see the license before making any hires.

Ensure the company you are working with is insured to protect yourself from damage and injury liability insurance associated with the job. Consider the working experience, actual work they do, the work subcontracted, employees experience, employee screening, references, complaint records, training record, and all certifications held by the company and its employees.

These are elements that will determine the level of professionalism and suitability of the plumber you are considering hiring.

Request for a written estimate

Most of the plumbing companies provide a free in-home estimate. A good quote has the cost of labour and materials. The quote will include payment terms, estimated costs of materials and tools, the type of repair, the hourly rate, estimated time for the job, and any additional costs like travel time.

You should discuss with the plumber about potential changes and the flexibility and willingness to adjust in response to the changes.

Does the plumber guarantee satisfaction?

The best service providers guarantee their work. Good plumbers will guarantee up to a year. The guarantee will include the parts they installed. You should ask your potential plumber for the availability or warranties.

Make sure to ask if the warranties are available in writing. Emphasis on this is because poorly done jobs cost you more in additional work required as a follow up to an initial job poorly done by the wrong hire.

Prior planning

Planning before your plumbing needs come up prevents panic decisions associated with emergency needs. Cultivating a plumbing relationship in advance with a qualified plumber means you have a willing plumber to make an emergency house call when the need arises.

Working with a trusted plumbing service provider and having them on speed dial also means you can do regular maintenance before the need arises. That reduces the number of arising emergencies and the likelihood for panic calls.

The cost of plumbing services

Several factors go into determining the cost of plumbing projects. The nature of the job and the location will largely factor into how much the plumbing job will cost. Before hiring a plumber to assess the plumbing prices in your area and check the business reviews associated with the cost.

Armed with this information, you can ask the plumber for a quote. Good plumbing companies share an average rate of jobs while further listing certain conditions that may accelerate or reduce the cost of the plumbing job.


There has been an increase in sites that do reviews of service providers. Before hiring a plumber, you may want to check what the people say about the provider and the employees.

While you may want to check the company website for the reviews, you may also want to check third party sites where the reviews are not filtered. For instance, consider yelp reviews regarding the services of your potential plumber.

You can also go ahead and ask around in your area for clients of the plumber to find out about their work ethic and service provision. Having this information helps you make an informed decision regarding the plumber you hire and choose to work with.

In conclusion,

It is important to also consider the timing when considering a plumbing project. If the project can wait, then you can avoid situations where you end up paying the plumber more.

For instance, avoid as much as possible hiring on holidays, weekends, and after-work holidays when the plumbers charge a premium. You can also ask if there are payment plans especially when you have extensive projects that are more costly.

V-Max Plumbing is a one-stop solution to all your plumbing needs in Long Beach. From handling clogged drains to Hydro Jetting, They get your work done in no time using the latest equipment.

Ernesto Altamirano Owner of V-Max Plumbing
Ernesto Altamirano

“Commitment and persistancy are the key to make our dreams come true.”